Long before I was paid to write, I was a writer. And today, while writing is only a small part of how I pay the bills, it remains a significant part of who I am.
American author Joan Didion once said she writes “entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see and what it means.” I think that’s true of many writers. I also write to connect, to provide some reassurance, and perhaps levity, to those who, like me, find faith and life both challenging and amusing.
We live in a world of angry people seeking outrage much as an addict scrambles for meth or crack cocaine. I hope not to outrage, but to bring a little comfort, perhaps some amusement and maybe a little inspiration.
Years ago, I was privileged to explore the concept of a Ministry of Writing under Tom Mullen, a Quaker author, pastor and professor. I learned from him that writing can be a personal ministry and vocation. If I have any success in this writing, it is thanks to his help. If I fail, don’t blame Tom, I never claimed to be his best, brightest, or most talented student.
Jeff Hutson
Getting it Right
I’m just a guy sharing my faith journey and trying to account for the hope that is in me. I am not a trained Catholic theologian. A variety of authoritative sources are available on my Resources page. If you believe I’ve made a mistake in describing the Catholic Church and what Catholics believe, please let me know.